3.10.2023 Behavioral science and successful innovation, part 1

99,00 169,00  (sis. ALV)

Understanding the way people make decisions is fundamental to successful innovation. More so in today’s complex world, people are unpredictable and elusive. What they say is rarely what they do! Behavioral science provides the toolkit for us to explore behaviours as part of the systems they exist within, to help create products and services that…

SKU: Koulutus 57/2023


3.10.2023 at 10-11 Behavioral science and successful innovation, part 1

Understanding the way people make decisions is fundamental to successful innovation. More so in today’s complex world, people are unpredictable and elusive. What they say is rarely what they do!
Behavioral science provides the toolkit for us to explore behaviours as part of the systems they exist within, to help create products and services that will have the best chance of in market success.
The webinar will be held in English.

Speaker: Manolis Koumantaros, Director, Innovation & Kantar Marketplace

The webinar is the first part of the ‘Brändityö’ webinar series. The parts of the set are:

• 3.10.2023 at 10-11 Behavioral science and successful innovation, part 1 (in English)
• 24.10.2023 at 10-11 Mielikuvien valjastaminen brändiposition tueksi, osa2
• 28.11.2023 at 10-11 Visuaaliset tunnisteet brändin rakentamisessa, osa3

The trainings can be purchased separately or as a package and they are included in the Marketing Finland Academy license.
Price: 99 e/webinar for Marketing Finland members, 169 e/webinar for non-members.
Total price for the whole package 259/449 e (3 webinars). The package can be purchased in our online store as a separate product.
VAT 24% is added to the prices.





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